
TPB’s net earnings +38%

According to its earning preview of today TPB had an excellent year 2021 despite the ongoing pandemic. ROE 22.61%. TPB’s capital adequacy ratio (CAR) is at 14% which allows the

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PYN Elite up 7,3% in November

VN Index +2.4% in November. PYN Elite (+7.3%) outperformed the index this month driven by CEO (229,3%). The real estate sector is rallying this year, on both strong housing demand

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New VN-Index target at 2500 points

PYN Elite’s original VN-Index target of 1800 was set at the time when Vietnam’s foreign reserve looked fragile, and government bond yields were 8%. At present, Vietnam’s foreign reserve has

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PYN Elite up 6.8% in October

PYN Elite NAV +6.8% in October, supported by gains in NLG, VHM and TPB. The VN Index rallied past 1,400 to reach a new ATH of 1,444, making Vietnam one

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