
PYN Elite up 5.0% in May

PYN Elite rose 5.0% in May, outperforming the VN Index’s 4.3%, driven by ACV (+24%) and CMG (+36%). The Vietnamese technology sector is advancing up the value chain and becoming

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PYN Elite down 8.2 % in April

The VN-Index saw a drop of 8.5% in mid-April, before staging a comeback and closing at -5.8% MoM. PYN Elite -8.2% MoM, driven by short-term profit taking in banking stocks

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PYN Elite up 2.6% in March

VN-index +2.5% in March, led by large-cap stocks. PYN Elite outperformed at +2.6%, despite the VND weakening 2.1% against the USD. Vietnam’s average deposit rate continued to be lower, at

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PYN Elite 25 years Anniversary

At the beginning of February, the PYN Elite fund celebrated its 25th anniversary. For the past ten years, the fund has been operating in Vietnam, and during that time NAV

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PYN Elite up 5.2% in February

In February, the VN-Index surged 7.6% driven by the banking sector. PYN Elite gained only 5.2%, when Sacombank took a pause and the VND depreciated 1% against the USD. Late

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