
The Portfolio Manager’s Q&A

The last Investor Letter of the year is a new edition of Portfolio Manager’s Q&A. This time, the portfolio manager reflects on the fund’s modest returns, but also offers a

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PYN Elite up 5.7% in November

In November, the VN-Index bounced back by +6.4% from the previous month’s sell-off, propelled by the broker, real estate, and oil & gas recovery. PYN Elite rose by +5.7%, with

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Slowly, but to right direction

Vietnam’s stock market index is still struggling around the thousand points level. Daily events take the index up and down in very short cycles. In Vietnam, the slowdown in economic

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PYN Elite down 10.5 % in October

VN-Index -10.9% in October, the strongest decline since Sep-2022. PYN Elite was in line at -10.5% MoM. The market became more jittery as VND depreciated 3.7% against USD in 3

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PYN Elite down 7.4% in September

The VN-Index down -5.7% in September. PYN Elite -7.4%, an extra hit from VND weakness. After the Independence holiday, the market reacted positively to the US-Vietnam comprehensive strategic partnership upgrade

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