
Investor Letter 1/2020

Unfortunately, in recent days, many other countries have been forced to follow the similar measures already seen in China to curb the coronavirus epidemic. We hope that your relatives survive

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Investor Letter 4/2019

During the last three years, PYN Elite showed excellent performance compared with the VN Index for the first 10 months, outperforming the index return by roughly 100%, but for the

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Investor Letter 3/2019

Vietnam Solid Data, No Tense, No Jittery • PYN Elite’s key holdings (82% of the portfolio) valued at P/E 7.1 for 2021. • Vietnam has the highest number of free

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Investor Letter 2/2019

In the middle of the holiday season, perhaps these investment related questions occupy the vacationer: what could kick start a new substantial performance for PYN Elite’s value? When can we

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Investor Letter 4/2018

Portfolio Manager Deryng’s Investor Letter in December 2018, commenting on key investments and discussing the significance of the stock market decline in the end of the year.

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Investor Letter 3/2018

Portfolio Manager Petri Deryng’s Investor Letter in October 2018, which looks at the prospects of key portfolio companies in PYN Elite and draws conclusions from the last five stock market

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